Welcome to the first of our weekly Suggestion Results for Season 6, here we will be reviewing the list of highly requested suggestions from our community.
Reminder, if your poll is elected for an official poll and passes as a confirmed change, you will receive a £5 Giftcard for our store - https://shop.mtsark.co.uk/
The following polls all met the following requirements;
● Have a total of 100+ votes overall
● Have a 75% majority in favour of the change
more tournaments with prizes , arena or just normal ark. Yesyes big profit bc I’m first 1
Board Comments: Tournaments and events are always discussed but always depend on timing and when they make sense, we are committed to running more of these throughout Season 6 and the future.
allow gasbags taming but disable saddles first week
Board Comments: Even though this was overwhelmingly voted for, we do not want to confuse players with a large complex list of what creatures and items are available at different stages throughout a season. Therefore, we will be keeping gasbags disabled for the first 7 days of a server wipe along with the rest of the temporarily disabled dinos for the reasons given above.
add a main pass where you get 5 whitelisted maps of your choice or something like that
Board Comments: It's impossible for us to do this logically with our current donator system.
Juice The Kidd#6921
disable hoverskiffs for the first 7 days
Board Comments: TEK Hover Skiff's are relatively hard to obtain, and we do not consider this a major issue especially given the cost to craft and our recent changes.
more frequent trailers and recaps of what’s happening on MTS, hopefully would draw in a wider range of competitive players to get that sweaty atmosphere back
Board Comments: Not too sure what we could do or how high the ceiling would be with something like this, but a nice idea.
Weekend rates when ARK has large event rates
Board Comments: With all official events, there normally comes a boost in rates. However, on MTS our lowest rates are already 5x (which is high) and every weekend you see higher rates on top of that. That's why we don't normally do many "boosted rates" events as ours are already high. We will evaluate events in the future and see what we could do.
MTS points system that ranks tribes based off value and amount of tames, structures, etc. Allows for there to be a tribe leaderboard which gives tribes a bigger overall goal and makes a season more worthwhile as tribes will compete to be #1. The winning tribe can have there name retired so it can’t be used by others and a spot in some sort of mts hall of fame. As a reward for competing and becoming the best.
Board Comments: A system like this would take time and money to develop and would not be a thing overnight. However, it is a nice idea, and its a possible way to expand our recently released MyMTS leaderboard system.
allow dino paints to be bought with points, you can choose how many points per
Board Comments: Sadly, this is not currently possible and Dino Painting is and has always been a donator privilege.
Slightly boost Crystal Isles Ele Shard. As now it is way worse than Genesis and Ext and not everyone have those DLCs
Board Comments: We boosted Element Shard harvesting on Crystal Isles from 2x to 5x before the Season started so I believe this is already a feature.
create a channel in the discord where all the users can do the ?tag command, make some useful tags like wipe day, ban lengths, mute lengths, general info such as which channel to look for if you want to be recruited/recruit people etc
Board Comments: We are working on making our discord and social areas more accessible so changes are coming soon as its a good idea.
add snails back to shop
Board Comments: Given the overwhelming 88% voted in favor of, I am willing to official poll this to see the outcome.
Officially Polled
Enable sleeping bags, its normal stuff on pvp and can be hidden.. bed cant be hidden so good.
Board Comments: With meshing still possible and our servers having no collision building, we will not put our servers at increased risk.
Overruled - Suggestion Blacklisted
remove or fix water soaker skin for season 6 its counts as a different weapon so the flamethrower nerf does not effect it causing it to do vanilla damage its bassically christmas bola 2.0
Board Comments: We fixed this pre-season.
have mutton and prime stack to 50
Board Comments: Prime Meats typically stack to 1 on officials, and on MTS they stack to 20 which is a massive increase, increasing from 20 to 50 serves no purpose and will not be changing for something so basic.
bring back binoculars instead of spyglass. Binocs are more expensive but far easier to use aswell as very accurate. They are far superior then the spyglass
Board Comments: Given the overwhelming 96% voted in favor of, I am willing to official poll this to see the outcome.
Officially Polled
if possible make it so you can port with ppl from other tribes into genesis boss its kind of hard with only 4 ppl
Board Comments: This is how it is intended and it for game balance.
put metal/wood/thatch etc back to 1k stack instead of 500
Board Comments: This will only speed up progression and an already very "hardcore" boosted rates server. Stack size of 500 combined with S+ tolls, increased rates, and more are already high and we will not be considering this as a change.
Boxed Wine#2604
enable picking up structures because if you can already use the pickup gun then why not, and the pickup gun sometimes just doesnt pick up or picks up the wrong thing in a mess of things
Board Comments: There are too many game-breaking issues with that. Such as being able to pick up fully grown X plant and place them down anywhere without the need for a crop plot, yes you can do that.
make points crosstravel again
Board Comments: Eventually we will go back to this feature when we have a more stable resolution of our plugins and player databases.
Suggestions Channel has been reset and ready for a new week of suggestions, please honor the suggestion blacklist and feel free to suggest & vote on any changes or features you would like to see added to MTS Ark.
MTS Board