Welcome to our weekly Suggestion Results for Season 6, here we will be reviewing the list of highly requested suggestions from our community.
Reminder, if your poll is elected for an official poll and passes as a confirmed change, you will receive a £5 Giftcard for our store - https://shop.mtsark.co.uk/
The following polls all met the following requirements;
● Have a total of 75+ votes overall
● Have a 75% majority in favour of the change
Last Week's Official Poll Results
Add Achatina's back to the /shop
739 - YES (93%) | 55 - NO (7%)
Remove Configurable Spyglass and replace with Bitou's Binoculars (you will be able to see enemy dinos stats)
816 - YES (88%) | 111 - NO (12%)
Any confirmed polls will now be integrated into the server in an upcoming patch.
Congratulations to morg#2020 & ShadowZ#9052 who have both won a £5 store voucher.

This Week's Community Polls
if snails get added back and you have plat you can go to every map and use 5000 points and thats 12 snails per map plus any extra points and including tribemates you can have unlimited snails so add a limit to buyable snails
Board Comments: You make a very good point, currently on Main Cluster. Our /shop database is NOT hived and each map has its own database, which means you have separate points per map. On Beginners, our database IS hived (as intended) and your kits, points follow you around the cluster. Following the confirmation of re-adding Snails to the shop. We will only be doing this on Beginners Cluster initially before Main Cluster also becomes a hived database. (For balance reasons).
snails are fine but really early game plat players have big advantage, i think they should be unbuyable from shop for first 3 days and then they are fair and balanced because if u wanted to you can tame them yourself by that point
Board Comments: Given the overwhelming 95% voted in favor of, we have moved this to official poll this to see the outcome.
Officially Polled
" bring back the normal transfer tool"
Board Comments: The new transfer tool was introduced to prevent several bugs and exploits found in the previous version of MTS S+. The new tool serves the exact same functionality as before, with our desired changes. The only difference is there is no longer a "Transfer Gun" and we look to make as many exploits as we can inaccessible on our clusters, which transfer gun contributed to.
Niba Man#5405
make babys unable to want 10mile walks
Board Comments: No current setting, plugin or mod exists to my knowledge for something such as this. However, I acknowledge your poll and if it ever becomes possible in the future I will refer to your suggestion.
Make ele dust grindable in your inventory (500 dust craftable for 1 element in your inventory) till you find a solution with the grinder
Board Comments: As stated in my recent announcement, we are working on a fix for grinding element dust in an S+ Grinder. We like your idea and we will acknowledge your suggestion as we continue to find solutions.
If you don't see your suggestion that means it has failed the minimum requirements to feature in our weekly post.
Suggestions Channel has been reset and ready for a new week of suggestions, please honor the suggestion blacklist and feel free to suggest & vote on any changes or features you would like to see added to MTS Ark.
MTS Board