Welcome to our weekly Suggestion Results. Here we will be reviewing the list of highly requested suggestions from our community.
Reminder, if your poll is elected for an official poll and passes as a confirmed change, you will receive a £5 Giftcard for our store - https://shop.mtsark.co.uk/
The featured polls all met the following requirements;
● Have a total of 75+ votes overall
● Have a 75% majority in favour of the change
● Has not recently been featured in previous suggestion results
Last Week's Community Polls (PC Steam)
Pastor Mike#6941
remove breed timer from cryos
1010 - YES (97%) | 27 - NO (3%)
All confirmed passed polls will now be integrated into the server in an upcoming patch.
Congratulations to Pastor Mike#6941 who has won a £5 store voucher.

This Week's Community Polls (PC Steam)
remove cryosickness from bulbdogs so we can reuse them and not buy a million
Board Comments: I'm confused about what the issue is here? Bulbdogs are already easily accessible via the in-game shop already meaning you don't have to tame them like intended.
make a direwolf for abb
Board Comments: Already coming next season, but on the Ravager. Sadly this change was already lined up before your suggestion resulting in you not being eligible for a gift card.
I know you dont want to chance the cryopods look right now, but just as an idea for some point add so you can see what armor saddle the dino has on
Board Comments: Nice idea, we are focusing a lot of our mod work on Tribe Wars and next season currently but this is a good idea to archive for the future.
Inner Tragedy#3415
make tek troughs have the same rang as the S+ troughs do so they are more viable for people who have tek unlocked
Board Comments: S+ Trough is a S+ engram and we do not have any sort of S+ TEK Engrams (this is also a blacklisted suggestion). We don't plan to mod any TEK engrams at this time.
make it show who nurtured Dino’s in tribe logs
Board Comments: Not possible at this time.
rework central cave and pearl cave for next beginners
Board Comments: Cave reworks are only performed in between seasons. We have plans to change some caves for S4, not just the ones you mention - but these changes will be shared later down the line when we are ready.
! ǥøøfɏ#0001
make a focus group for main cluster where the people that actually have a clue of the game get invited to
Board Comments: Not sure how the selection process will work effectively, people may shout favoritism - But this is an idea we have considered, but would definitely like to do it differently how we did it for classic.
enable events to line up with official. Its pretty heart breaking seeing people on smalls have higher rates then MTS and be able to farm 1.5x hexagons. Thats the kinda of QoL/fun weekly increase MTS players want to experience aswell. You don't even have to match the rates just give us something to look forward to other than tribe wars for 1/2 tribes to win.
Board Comments: Next season we already plan to increase our rates etc when ARK official events are ongoing - Sadly this change was already lined up before your suggestion resulting in you not being eligible for a gift card.
disable ally looking by default
Board Comments: New-born babies should have this quality of life feature already, please let me know if this is not the case - To my knowledge babies already have ally look disabled on MTS by default.
"change it to 5 man for the next season- aswell as up the rates. We come to a non-official to have higher rates and quicker pvp. 2x/8man is stale- shit rates and makes this wayy to sweaty for a 3month season?"
Board Comments: Alterations to server tribe size & rates are only considered between seasons. Seeing as Chapter 2 has now had 3 seasons as 8 man 2x rates, and all be it 3 very successful seasons. Keeping things fresh with new settings is a possibility next season, let's wait and see.
Instead of just the classic cluster let the community vote for what we would like to see each wipe on that cluster whether that be: no flyers, 4 man ect....
Board Comments: We are 24/7 gathering feedback from our community regarding changes to everything to do with our MTS community & ARK servers. This is no different and will continue, however, we will stick with our current methods instead of official discord polls on setting etc - As these are not the best way to determine results in our experience of running ARK servers over the past few years.

This Week's Community Polls (Playstation)
There were no viable polls for MTS Playstation this week.
If you don't see your suggestion that means it has failed the minimum requirements to feature in our weekly post.
Suggestions Channel has been reset and ready for a new week of suggestions, please honor the suggestion blacklist and feel free to suggest & vote on any changes or features you would like to see added to MTS Ark.
MTS Board