Welcome to our weekly Suggestion Results. Here we will be reviewing the list of highly requested suggestions from our community.
Reminder, if your poll is elected for an official poll and passes as a confirmed change, you will receive a £5 Giftcard for our store - https://shop.mtsark.co.uk/
The featured polls all met the following requirements;
● Have a total of 75+ votes overall
● Have a 75% majority in favour of the change
● Has not recently been featured in previous suggestion results
Last Week's Official Poll's
make a SE server
877 - YES (92%) | 72 - NO (8%)
Make the ban for insiding permanent, the insiding is just crazy this season
1029 - YES (95%) | 45 - NO (5%)
Bring back old #server-status layout. The new one hurts my eyes ):
849 - YES (96%) | 27 - NO (4%)
Add ability to Direwolf which allows it to detect Sleeping Bags, Beds when in close proximity using right click ability. (MTS Mod Addition)
682 - YES (91%) | 60 - NO (9%)
All confirmed passed polls will now be integrated into the server in an upcoming patch.
Congratulations to Ter1fy#9255, Eks#1609 & PerditionpG#5618 who have all won a £5 store voucher.

This Week's Community Polls
give back the item that gets destroyed when placed in mesh
Board Comments: For duping concerns, this has been disabled. Given the system now only affects Foundations & Pillars, losing a single foundation or pillar to the mesh detection system shouldn't be detrimental at all.
for the new anti mesh foundation plugin, make it only destroy structures that count as enemy foundation or gate, people are losing indi forges because they try to build a crafting station in a cave
Board Comments: This change is already active and was made prior to your suggestion, therefore - you are not eligible for a voucher sadly.
remove the turrets thats in crystal isles underwater drop cave cuz people cant get bps because the tribe keep placing turrets
Board Comments: Our building violation rule 2.1 only comes into effect if structure or turrets are left unattended and abandoned in forbidden locations. Placing temporary structures or turrets whiles farming, utilizing the area or PvP'ing is permitted. If any structures are found in these areas with a render timer more than 1 hour old then this falls under Rule 2.1 and we will remove the structures forcefully and punish the tribe.
add /report (player name) (reason) so its a lot easier to report aimbotters and you would be able to spectate it
Board Comments: As convenient this may sound, it would not be practical for us to do an enforcement system like that. Our current system works great IMO.
add binos to shop pls sometimes im a mong and i forget them, arent hard to make. would just be quality life
Board Comments: We do not like to sell items in the shop that would be part of your generic kit. The shop in-game is merely an afterthought and we are keen to keep it as simplistic and minimal as possible. Bino's are cheap to craft there is no need to add them to the shop especially for the power they give a player.
Disable omni tool for 1 minute when turrets shoot, you should not be able to transfer fill turrets when they are being soaked.
Board Comments: Omni tool is supposed to block all actions such as transfer tool during active soaking or PvP. This is the intended way and a fix is on its way. Sadly, as this is a bug that would always get fixed - you are not eligible for a voucher.
make a public ban log containing Player name, Tribe name and steam name. so you cane see who got / gets banned on the server.
Board Comments: As a long term owner of an ark community I can tell you this is a bad idea. This will create a meta gaming issue of player's raiding and targetting banned players, and trying to find ways to get people banned - which leads to toxicity. There's a reason we keep enforcement actions close to our chests.
disable building / placing turrets in Crystal Isles Artifact Caves.
Board Comments: Copied from our rules page, please read - Do not block access, build inside, on or near the following points of interest unless actively farming, utilizing or PvP'ing; if any structures are found in these areas with a render timer more than 1 hour old, they will be removed without warning. Player Spawn Points, Wyvern Scars, Genesis Volcano, All Artifact Caves on Crystal Isles2 (Main) & Crystal Isles (Beginners), Mission Zones on Genesis1 (Main) & Genesis (Beginners).
Give warning of wild dino wipe with every restart warning, if a wipe is pending. Ex add "w/ DW", "w/o DW" or similar to the warning text.
Board Comments: There are already warnings regarding dino wipes on discord prior to a server restarting.
put recent trade reps slow timer to 1 hour because people do more than 1 trade every 6 hours
Board Comments: Just edit your message if you do multiple trades in a short space of time, you can fit 2000 characters in one message, I think that suffices.
find a way to buff land bases. to increase amount of base locations to build in. Not fun the fact that caves and pillars are the only good locations nowadays
Board Comments: It's all well and good saying "find a way" or "buff land bases". Because your suggestion offers no good solutions or alternatives and is too vague. This suggestion holds little to no value, may we encourage you to think of a way yourself on how you could change it, and suggest that instead.
place more admin foundations on lava golem, gays place bat heaveis that cover the 2 entrences on beginners
Board Comments: You would have to show me what spots you can get heavy's down which prevents the purpose of the foundations. Please get a screenshot.
Nerf caves a bit more, i miss land bases lol
Board Comments: Exact same response as IMIAN's suggestion above - too vague, no clear alternative ideas or suggestions.
add a command to destroy all rafts of your tribe or add a way to located them
Board Comments: Not possible sadly.
make two channels for the serverstatus one for beg and one for main
Board Comments: We like to keep our discord clean and not channel spam clutter, this is not necessary.
Reanu Reeves#9232
add in 15$ gift cards as Arena whitelist costs 15$ so if you want to donate it to a friend you can buy that one
Board Comments: We currently have no plans to offer new gift card amounts but this could be something to consider for the future.
add the S+ industrial grill
Board Comments: What benefits does it have over the vanilla version?
remove hight limmit for structures, u so u can fob sky plat bases etc
Board Comments: Impossible to achieve.
If you don't see your suggestion that means it has failed the minimum requirements to feature in our weekly post.
Suggestions Channel has been reset and ready for a new week of suggestions, please honor the suggestion blacklist and feel free to suggest & vote on any changes or features you would like to see added to MTS Ark.
MTS Board