Welcome to our weekly Suggestion Results. Here we will be reviewing the list of highly requested suggestions from our community.
Reminder, if your poll is elected for an official poll and passes as a confirmed change, you will receive a £5 Giftcard for our store - https://shop.mtsark.co.uk/
The featured polls all met the following requirements;
● Have a total of 50+ votes overall
● Have a 75% majority in favor of the change
● Has not recently been featured in previous suggestion results
This Week's Official Poll Results
There were no official polls this week.

This Week's New Community Polls
put the inflatable Dino costume in the point shop
Board Comments: The reason we don't add skins to the Shop is we don't want everyone running around in bikinis and inflatable costumes all year. We leave skin creations to the limited ARK event typically :)
Add a second reward category for people that still own an intact base at the end of the season. No HOF, but maybe a nice Discord tag and a chance to win 5$ or something. Would make more people defend their bases even late in the season, increasing longevity and activity on the cluster
Board Comments: Not overly sure what can be done here, HOF should be the ultimate aim for all late-game tribes. A secondary role seems somewhat pointless and dead on arrival. Going to deny for now sorry.
Make Tropeos unbreedable
Board Comments: Happy to poll it again given how close it was last time.
Officially Polled
Is it possible to either make something like a name gun or make it able to adjust the plugin that we have at the moment? For alot of the late game tribes mass breeding is a thing. We have the plugin that names dinos like your IGN name but alot of people normally put something inbetween brackets. For example: "[SHR]". Didn't think it was a bad suggestion knowing that alot of people mass breed and this + the neuter gun makes it way faster to prep your tames
Board Comments: This seems like a great idea, we may be able to get something similar to the Neuter Gun but for naming dinos. I will contact my modder and enquire about this mod being created - If successful, I will give you a $5 giftcard - Remind me.
Decrease Tropeo HP stat amount per level-up (by 20% maybe)
Board Comments: I'll poll this and a few extra options see what direction the majority of people would like to take Tropeos in.
Officially Polled
increase preserving salt stack size to 100. The old stack size of 500 was to large, but the new stack size of 5 makes it useless to even consider using it.
Board Comments: Happy to poll this
Officially Polled
make flamethrowers do 1.5x damage to plant y
Board Comments: This honestly is pointless, flame destroys Plant Y fast enough already.
if next season is without gen 2 (as it should be) then please consider adding custom spawns at valguero chalk hills for maewings.
Board Comments: Why do people want Maewings, someone @ me in discord telling me what they do exactly?
make oil cave normal it was the best base for pvp now its dead
Board Comments: Given the fact that the previous version is too strong, combined with the current cave is balanced in comparison to the caves in the cluster, alongside the ability to place 3/4 towers outside of the cave entrance. We feel Oil Cave is in a good place right now, when built properly and has the time invested into it.
Make a plugin that prevents Plant Y to be placed where another plant was just destroyed, similar to wreckage and c4. Maybe make it last 1-2 Minutes, to keep up with death screen
Board Comments: Not too sure if this is the best idea moving forward, going to overule for now but will discuss internally about Plant Y but in all honesty I don't see it being that much of a problem. We have already nerfed bolas, have no Nets etc I think this may be a step too far.
Enable for the MTS Dedis the "Take-All-To-Black-Capped" - function and the "Bottom/Top-Display" Function
Board Comments: Impossible to have the features of the "new vanilla" dedis when we are using old modded versions of the structure - unfortunately.
enable gen 1 after 24h-48h in next wipe
Board Comments: Any changes to next season will be revealed in the Season 7 reveal - However, right now there are no plans change the 1w delay of Extinction & Genesis, we feel this mini event at the end of the first week is great for the cluster.
End the season on the 23rd of December so we have a 2week break and enjoy the holiday
Board Comments: I understand the reason why, and accept your request. (no giftcard sry)
change island ice back to c2 s2 ice the current ice is horrible. The old ice was defendable however it you could still push it. The new one is almost undefendable especially in 6x
Board Comments: Officially Polled for next season.
Officially Polled

If you don't see your suggestion that means it has failed the minimum requirements to feature in our weekly post.
Suggestions Channel has been reset and ready for a new week of suggestions, please honor the suggestion blacklist and feel free to suggest & vote on any changes or features you would like to see added to MTS Ark.
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